Payments, Shipping and Pricing
Pumps Online require all orders to be paid before the products are delivered.
There are three payment methods available:
This is the preferred payment method as it is fast, does not incur significant processing costs and the transaction can be conducted through your banks secure systems. Deposits can be made to the following bank account:
Pumps Online Limited
ASB Bank
Account: 12-3136-0162774-50
Reference: The order number produced from our website
Please allow overnight clearance of internet payment if made by another bank.
You can pay by cash in person if you are picking the goods up.
We have an EFTPOS machine available at our store to process payments if you are picking up directly.
We use Windcave to process credit card payments over the phone.
Our website uses Shopify Payments to process online credit card transactions. After selecting to pay by Credit Card your payment will be securely taken by Shopify Payments . We will be advised once you have made the online payment. In the case of a one off purchase your credit card details will not be stored. If a recurring purchase (subscription) is made, your payment details will be stored securely by Shopify.
Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Shop Pay, Google Pay and Apple Pay are all accepted by Shopify Payments.
We will only ship orders to physical addresses within New Zealand. Orders under 25 Kg will be shipped via a courier service. Orders over 25Kg will be shipped via a trucking company.
Shipping costs will be charged by total weight of the order as follows:
Under 2 Kg = $12.00
Between 2 and 8Kg = $20.00
Over 8 Kg and under 25 Kg = $30.00
Between 25 and 30 Kg = $70.00
Over 30 Kg = $100.00
*All shipping includes GST.
We will endeavour to dispatch the products on the next available courier after we have received the payment (during our open hours).
If the product ordered is not currently in stock we will advise you at the earliest opportunity via phone or email.
All prices displayed are in New Zealand Dollars (NZD). All prices INCLUDE GST. You will only be charged in New Zealand Dollars.